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PRODUTECH – Production Technologies Cluster - is an initiative promoted by the Portuguese Industry of Manufacturing Technologies. This Cluster comprises companies that are capable of addressing competitiveness and sustainability challenges by delivering innovative, flexible, integrated and competitive solutions in response to the manufacturing industry’s needs.

PRODUTECH embodies collective efficiency strategies aimed at innovating, qualifying and modernizing the developers and users of manufacturing technologies. As a key partner in several projects, PRODUTECH promotes initiatives and actions fostering the international competitiveness of the Portuguese economy, and boosts the cooperation between companies and other relevant stakeholders in a structured way.


PRODUTECH’s mission is to promote the sustainable development and internationalization of the Portuguese industry of manufacturing technologies – such as providers of capital goods, machine-tools, industrial equipment and systems, system integrators, software houses and developers of industry-oriented computer applications, engineering and consultancy companies – in close collaboration with key sectors of the manufacturing industry, the Portuguese Science and Technology System (SCT) and other stakeholders.



Officially recognized as a Competitiveness Cluster, PRODUTECH's intervention is supported by multi-year action programme.  In line with its mission and objectives,  the cluster has defined for the period 2015-2023 an Action Programme structured in 4 main strategic axes:

Axis 1: Growth, consolidation and qualification of the business base of the sector

It integrates the promotion of cooperation among Production Technologies companies and the articulation with other stakeholders via the promotion of projects, actions and initiatives aimed at the modernization of the industrial fabric and other concerted action. It includes articulations with several entities in the framework of creating support conditions, the mobilization and attraction of strategic investment, the articulation with the education system, bringing the educational/training offer closer to the needs of the sector, among others.

Axis 2: Mobilisation for cutting edge R&D+I in the sector

It integrates the deepening of strategic cooperation in the fields of R&D+I, between Production Technology companies  and other stakeholders (user sectors, R&D, Education and Training entities,...), for the development of strategic projects with high technological content, promoting the integration, cross-fertilisation (intersectoral) of knowledge and technology and the valorisation of the sector's offer. The focus includes gathering critical mass, establishing synergies and increasing the efficiency/effectiveness of investments (avoiding duplication of efforts and leveraging capacities).

Axis 3: Strengthening the visibility and internationalisation of the sector

It integrates the reinforcement of the national and international visibility of the sector and its internationalisation. It includes the demonstration of the capacities held by the sector, the promotion of its insertion in global R&D+I networks and global supply chains, actions in the fields of interclusterisation, the promotion of missions of strategic interest and investment attraction, and connection to international movements, among others.

Axis 4: Promoting access to strategic information in the sector

It includes the promotion of value-added services and initiatives for the sector's capacity building, namely in terms of information and strategic intelligence and the development of knowledge in areas relevant to the sector, e.g. in the context of (i) access to global value chains, (ii) new financing models for the sale of the sector's production technologies to clients, (iii) the strengthening of engineering skills, (iv) turnkey solutions for the manufacturing industry clients ("one-stop-shop" solutions) and/or (v) the upgrading of supply geared towards market specificities.

The articulated implementation of the axes directly aims at the cluster mission and the 3 strands that brand the cluster initiative:

- The Portuguese Manufacturing Technology sector is improved by (1) designing, developing, producing and selling new, technologically advanced and higher added value products and services in national and international markets,  (2) by promoting the growth of existing companies and (3) creating new ones;

- Competitiveness and added value increase for enterprises and end-users boosted by the use of new manufacturing technologies;

- The balance of payments is improved by reducing technology imports and increasing exports;

- R&D levels, performance and efficiency are improved by increasing not only the private sector’s expenditure in R&D, but also its ability to extract value from such investments.

- The collaboration between companies and the Portuguese Science and Technology System is strengthened by promoting partnerships and networks;

- Industry participation in national and international R&D projects becomes more dynamic;

- The ability to participate and influence international forums is increased, particularly with working groups, technology platforms and standardization committees;

- Portugal’s image is renewed and the country will be known as a provider of innovative and high added value technology.

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