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The DIH4CPS project aims to support the European strategy of Industry digitisation, so that any company in Europe has access to a Digital Innovation Hub (DIH), supporting it in its digital transformation. In this sense, the DIH4CPS project aims to leverage the network of Digital Innovation Hubs and solutions providers on an European scale, focused on cyber-physical systems and embedded systems.


Cyber-physical systems; Internet of the things; Embedded systems


DIH4CPS led by UNINOVA brings together an international consortium of 33 partners from 10 European Union countries, 13 DIHs, 9 Research Centres, 5 Associations and 15 SMEs. The DIH4CPS is structured in 7 main activities:

1 – Network setup and Management

The main objective of this activity is to develop a network of DIHs in the field of Cyberphysical and Embedded Systems, through the identification and materialization of collaboration processes based on services, identification and implementation of DIH KPIs for collaboration in the fields of Ecosystem, Technology and Business. These developments will be based on the DIH4CPs network.

2 – Network Ontology Modelling and Networking

This activity aims to create an organizational network model of DIH entities in the field of Cyber-physical and Embedded Systems (CPES). An ontology will be created to model human factors and technological competences in platforms, technologies and installations in European DIHs and in DIH4CPS. A navigation tool will also be available for the network, allowing the engineering of collaborative solutions and the organic generation of cross-border expansion experiences. 

3 – Initial Experimentation

During this activity 11 initial application experiments (iAE) will be carried out, allowing the execution and demonstration of Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH) projects being applied to the needs of companies and associations. These application experiments will be executed by clusters of partners with different skills, putting in practice the proposed innovative solutions, demonstrating the importance and value of DIH and its cooperation and willingness to assist the business needs, specificities and complexities of each experiment.

4 – Expanding Network and Experimentation

In this activity, 2 OPEN CALLS will be launched to expand the portfolio of application experiments in DIH4CPS, complementing the results of the initial experiments of the consortium. It is intended to expand the DIH4CPS network and the general availability and capacity of DIH in Europe, financing the inscription of more 25 DIH in the network of the project.

5 – Dissemination

This activity aims to disseminate the work done in DIH4CPS throughout Europe. With the creation of workshops, participation in conferences and presentation of results and experiences.

6 – Exploitation and Sustainability

This activity intends to develop the conditions for creation, launching, implementation of DIH and the sustainable exploitation of the DIH4CPS network. The final result of this activity will be the implementation of the business model and exploitation model, developed in this project in IVLab, launching the network and activating its organization.

7 – Ethics requirements

This activity will ensure that all ethical requirements are met throughout the project, particularly in the conduct of experiments and the interaction of the stakeholders in the networks created with the DIHs.

This project allows PRODUTECH as a DIH, to contribute with its experience to the design of a DIH structure for the European Cyber-physical area. Simultaneously this project will allow the opportunity for Portuguese companies to demonstrate and experience the interaction with PRODUTECH and new DIHs in the process of development and implementation of new innovative products in this area of technologies.





Project DIH4CPS is co-financed by the Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme of the European Union under Grant Agreement Nr. 872548 

Horizon 2020 – Innovation Action [Horizon 2020-UE] 

PROJECT NR.: 872548
START DATE: 01/01/2020
DURATION: 36 Months
INVESTIMENT: 9.158.683,75 Euros
FUNDING: 7.999.333,75 Euros
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